Hi everyone! There’s something you may not know about me
When it comes to my ensuite bathroom, I’m not a very tidy girl. I like to see all my things and access them quickly. Is that too much to ask? Recently I took my bathroom organization up a notch though and I am loving it. This bathroom organizer system is working pretty well for me so I thought I’d share it here with you. How do I know it’s working? Well I’m actually tidying up after myself. That says a lot, ha! And that’s because when the system works for me, it’s less work to manage.
Affiliate links are included in this post. This means I make a small commission should you purchase product using these links. This is at no extra cost to you.
Okay so let me start by saying this. What I know to be true about myself is that when I sit down to do my hair and makeup, I don’t want to open a cabinet or drawer to grab the things I need to get the job done. When I’m getting ready, my stool blocks the drawer and cabinet so I have to move every time I want to get inside. It’s a pain. It just doesn’t make sense to me to put the things that I use every day away only to have to get them out again the next day. I just don’t want to do it. Years of experience has taught me this. And when you don’t want to do something, it’s just not going to happen. Might as well just be honest with yourself instead of beating yourself up!
I want things out on the counter where I can reach them. Yet I also want my counter to look neat. In other words the opposite of this mess:
I made a few tweaks and now I’ve got a much more organized space:
I found this 2-tiered shelf on Amazon and it doubles my counter storage space without taking up too much room. And all my products are within arm’s reach.
Here are some additional Amazon shelf options I found that you may also like:
The best part of my updated system though is how I took the function up a level with the addition of the two white desk organizers.
Oh my, this combo makes me all a giddy. Function upon function. Yes please!
I keep my hair products on the top and the bottom holds my daily makeup. Easy to access, easy to clean up. I bought the desk organizers from my local Dollarama store but you can also purchase them off Amazon HERE. They come in three different colors!
The organizers fit so perfectly on the shelves like it was meant to be! I love this bathroom organizer system so much! I wanted to share it with you in case something like this may also work for you as well.
If you are new here you may not have seen the system I use for my hair tools. Since I use these every single day, I don’t want to have the hassle of pulling them out of a drawer each day. I simply hang them up on a shelf with hooks. Yes I get that it’s not the prettiest thing. But I just don’t care because it works so well for me. I can easily hang my tools up when done and my counters stay clean. This doesn’t make me lazy, it makes me smart.
So here’s what you need to know when trying to implement a system for yourself.
Stop fighting who you know yourself to be!
If you are someone who wants things tucked away and you are happy to do that every single day, do that. If you need to see your stuff and want to access it quickly, do that. And even if you want to stand on your head and do a twirl, you go right ahead. Unless you’re uncoordinated and unbalanced then probably pass on that last one.
You will be much more successful with keeping a tidy home if you organize in such a way that works for you. So don’t beat yourself up if your systems don’t look like someone else’s. If they work for you, that is all that matters. Don’t call yourself lazy if you don’t want to put something away after you use it. Instead find a solution that allows you to be you while still keeping an organized space. It is possible as my bathroom demonstrates. It may take some trial and error but trust me when I say there is always a solution to be found.
Oh and one last bathroom bonus tip for you. If you find yourself losing track of time while getting ready like I do, keep a clock in your bathroom. Works like a charm!
Have a great weekend everyone. Happy organizing!
To see all of my favorite organizing products, check out my Amazon shop.
If you're seeing Small Organized Spaces ~ Bathroom Organizer for Hair & Makeup Products anywhere other than on I'm an Organizing Junkie (or via my email list or a feed reader) it is being used by someone else without my permission. Please let me know, thank you!
#Containerizing #Bathroom #SmallOrganizedSpaces

Affiliate links are included in this post. This means I make a small commission should you purchase product using these links. This is at no extra cost to you.
Okay so let me start by saying this. What I know to be true about myself is that when I sit down to do my hair and makeup, I don’t want to open a cabinet or drawer to grab the things I need to get the job done. When I’m getting ready, my stool blocks the drawer and cabinet so I have to move every time I want to get inside. It’s a pain. It just doesn’t make sense to me to put the things that I use every day away only to have to get them out again the next day. I just don’t want to do it. Years of experience has taught me this. And when you don’t want to do something, it’s just not going to happen. Might as well just be honest with yourself instead of beating yourself up!
I want things out on the counter where I can reach them. Yet I also want my counter to look neat. In other words the opposite of this mess:
I made a few tweaks and now I’ve got a much more organized space:
I found this 2-tiered shelf on Amazon and it doubles my counter storage space without taking up too much room. And all my products are within arm’s reach.
Here are some additional Amazon shelf options I found that you may also like:
The best part of my updated system though is how I took the function up a level with the addition of the two white desk organizers.
Oh my, this combo makes me all a giddy. Function upon function. Yes please!
I keep my hair products on the top and the bottom holds my daily makeup. Easy to access, easy to clean up. I bought the desk organizers from my local Dollarama store but you can also purchase them off Amazon HERE. They come in three different colors!
The organizers fit so perfectly on the shelves like it was meant to be! I love this bathroom organizer system so much! I wanted to share it with you in case something like this may also work for you as well.
If you are new here you may not have seen the system I use for my hair tools. Since I use these every single day, I don’t want to have the hassle of pulling them out of a drawer each day. I simply hang them up on a shelf with hooks. Yes I get that it’s not the prettiest thing. But I just don’t care because it works so well for me. I can easily hang my tools up when done and my counters stay clean. This doesn’t make me lazy, it makes me smart.
So here’s what you need to know when trying to implement a system for yourself.
Stop fighting who you know yourself to be!
If you are someone who wants things tucked away and you are happy to do that every single day, do that. If you need to see your stuff and want to access it quickly, do that. And even if you want to stand on your head and do a twirl, you go right ahead. Unless you’re uncoordinated and unbalanced then probably pass on that last one.
You will be much more successful with keeping a tidy home if you organize in such a way that works for you. So don’t beat yourself up if your systems don’t look like someone else’s. If they work for you, that is all that matters. Don’t call yourself lazy if you don’t want to put something away after you use it. Instead find a solution that allows you to be you while still keeping an organized space. It is possible as my bathroom demonstrates. It may take some trial and error but trust me when I say there is always a solution to be found.
Oh and one last bathroom bonus tip for you. If you find yourself losing track of time while getting ready like I do, keep a clock in your bathroom. Works like a charm!
Have a great weekend everyone. Happy organizing!
To see all of my favorite organizing products, check out my Amazon shop.
If you're seeing Small Organized Spaces ~ Bathroom Organizer for Hair & Makeup Products anywhere other than on I'm an Organizing Junkie (or via my email list or a feed reader) it is being used by someone else without my permission. Please let me know, thank you!
#Containerizing #Bathroom #SmallOrganizedSpaces